SF7START3J | Getting Started with Symfony 7

  • This training is the best starting point to prepare you for the advanced tools and uses of the Symfony 7 framework with its creators. SensioLabs University has designed the best Symfony training experience by combining face-to-face and e-learning. In addition to face-to-face training, access to our online review platform for 1 month allows you to combine different learning practices, test your skills, follow your progress and stay in touch with your trainer on throughout the duration of the program. This course is not only designed to get you started with Symfony 7, it is also the ideal course for learning "Official Good Practices" and the best tips from Symfony experts.
  • Prerequisites

    Good knowledge of PHP and Object Oriented Programming
  • Goals

    In just 3 days, the objective of this training is to introduce you to the Symfony 7 framework for creating your website. You will create a new Symfony 7 from scratch project, where you will discover the structured organization of its directories / files, to which you will apply an MVC pattern. You will also learn how to build your first web pages with the Twig rendering engine and the Webpack Encore asset manager. All this, along with Symfony forms and object persistence via Doctrine. Finally, our trainers will focus on official good practices and tips from Symfony.

Full program

Which IDE ?

Evolution of PHP OOP

  • History of PHP OOP
  • PSR

OOP basics

  • What is OOP?
  • Anatomy of a class
  • PHP types

Advanced OOP concepts

  • Inheritance in OOP
  • static and constants
  • Interfaces
  • Abstract classes
  • Features
  • Magic methods

Exceptions and errors

Relationship between classes

  • Inheritance
  • Implementation
  • Association
  • Aggregation
  • Composition




  • Overview of the Symfony project, including license, releases, roadmap, guidelines with Symfony framework and useful components as example of doable things.
  • Work environment and Symfony command line tool
  • Installation of a Symfony project

First steps with Symfony

  • How to handle a Request - Response flow
  • Create your first web page
  • Fine-tune your application routes with parameters and requirements
  • Best practises when using controllers and their helpers

Introduction to functional tests

  • Explanations about automated tests and functional tests
  • Get ready with PHPUnit to run automated tests
  • Write your first test to check a status code over a web page
  • Use a data provider to provide URLs to be checked

Templating with Twig

  • Introduction to Twig
  • Learn Twig’s basic syntax
  • Use the Dot syntax helper in your templates
  • Use Twig to loop over data from a controller and test some conditions to design your web page
  • Use layout techniques with inheritance and template inclusions to reduce your template
  • Best solutions to get help with the Symfony console and the web profiler
  • Create dynamic URLs in your templates to access another web page or link an asset

Web assets with Webpack Encore

  • Short introduction to Webpack Encore and Yarn
  • Installation and configuration of the required bundle
  • Optimize your assets with Webpack Encore

Introduction to Doctrine

  • Introduction to the Doctrine ORM and configuration of your project to access the database
  • Create your own entities and their mapping with the Symfony maker
  • Create and apply migrations to manage the state of your database at anytime
  • Handle relations between 2 entities
  • Store data in the database by using a controller 
  • Retrieve data from the database by using built-in or custom queries


  • Introduction to Symfony forms
  • Create your own form with custom types
  • Handle submitted data
  • Use Symfony built-in constraints to get validated data

Online review platform - 1 month access

  • Daily test
  • Documentation

Appreciation of the training

Global average : 9.4/10

  1. Educational rating : 9.6/10
  2. Content rating : 9.6/10
  3. Pace rating : 9.2/10
  4. Success rate : 100%
The ratings are the synthesis of the cumulative assessments of our trainees from 01/01/2024 to 09/01/2024

Evaluative methods

  • A control of knowledge in the form of multiple choice questions is carried out during and at the end of the training. It allows to validate and take back the points not assimilated.
  • A certificate of successful completion of a training action is sent to the learner.
  • A copy of the attendance sheet is transmitted.

Terms of registration

  • Registration can only be made using the registration form available on our website or via the training team e-mail.
  • Registration will be completed only after receiving the signed aggreement and the full payment before the start of the training.
  • Download our accessibility guidelines