LABS11 | Mastering Authentication with Symfony Guard

  • The Security component is probably one of the hardest pieces of Symfony to understand and play with when it comes to setup a custom authentication and authorization layer for an application. Luckily, Symfony 2.8 and 3.0 now integrate the new Security Guard component that eases the development of custom authentication systems.
  • Prérequis

  • Objectifs

    Create custom authenticators

Programme détaillé

In this worskhop, you'll first study how the Security and Guard components work into Symfony. Then, you'll learn how to build several custom authenticators (form login, api token, Facebook, wsse, etc.) for your application with the Guard component.

Programme horaire

Jour 1

Appréciation de la formation

Moyenne globale :

  1. Evaluation de la pédagogie : N.C
  2. Evaluation du contenu : N.C
  3. Evaluation du rythme : N.C
  • Durée

    6 heure(s)
  • Niveau

  • Langues disponibles

  • Pays disponibles

A partir de 550,00 £GB
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