LABS09 | Event Sourcing + CQRS

  • Basic CQRS and Event Sourcing with Prooph CQRS and Event Sourcing are challenging if approached for the first time, and especially if done from scratch. We help you installing, configuring and getting Prooph to run.
  • Prérequis

  • Objectifs

    Understand CQRS and Event Sourcing Be able to install and use Prooph in a Symfony Project

Programme détaillé

We’ll build a fairly simple event-sourced aggregate in order for you to understand how to organize things inside CQRS/ES stack, and how to massively simplify some problems that usually cause very big performance issues when put at scale.

Programme horaire

Jour 1

Appréciation de la formation

Moyenne globale :

  1. Evaluation de la pédagogie : N.C
  2. Evaluation du contenu : N.C
  3. Evaluation du rythme : N.C
  • Durée

    6 heure(s)
  • Niveau

  • Langues disponibles

  • Pays disponibles

A partir de 550,00 £GB
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